The implementation of new technologies, new systems that affect the user and pioneering innovations require a journey and adaptation in order to polish every detail so that everything goes smoothly for both the city and the users, who are of great importance in this process.

For all these reasons, one of the city's newest and youngest districts will be chosen. An area with a lot of life and in full growth that will serve as an example that can be extrapolated at the time of starting this experience of waste management through technology based on Artificial Intelligence.

The technology applied in this innovative initiative, unique in Spain, is based on other experiences of the Italian engineer, Fabrizio Paonessa. A renowned expert in Artificial Intelligence, among other technologies, creator of unique projects that could make Malaga a greener smart city in the future.

Technology based on the experience of


Malaga will thus become the most innovative city in waste management and smart cities, promoting citizen participation and the circular economy.


At the forefront of innovation to make a better city for its inhabitants and visitors.

For years Malaga has been investing in technology to become one of the most important smart cities, thus becoming more than just the capital of the Costa del Sol with a rich cultural, gastronomic and touristic offer without neglecting sustainability and circular economy.

Malaga is the fifth largest city in Spain and one of the first in terms of quality of life due to its climate, its beaches, its natural spaces and parks, and, without doubt, its innovation and good communications.

All these characteristics make this incredible city the ideal place to apply this waste management technology through artificial intelligence to make it cleaner and more efficient, while also being sustainable and bringing it up to the waste management and recycling standards required by the EU.



This waste management project needs to be implemented in phases in order to optimise the technology and, at the same time, make the user aware of its use and benefits.

So to start with, a particular area of the city will be chosen, one of the newest and still growing and vibrant areas of the city.


The most innovative smart city in the country

After using innovative technologies in other areas, it is the turn of waste management, which is of vital importance for the EU and the 2030 agenda. Sustainability, circular economy and care for the environment are priorities for Malaga.

AI applied to waste management has given rise to truly innovative software based on the technology created by the expert,

Fabrizio Paonessa.

This technology features AI-equipped smart containers capable of monitoring and forecasting their fill levels, optimising, for example, routes in real time for a cleaner city with less environmental impact.